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Yoga Is A Heartthrob, It Is For Everyone

[Yoga knowledge] Do you know yoga? As a yoga enthusiast, it may not be necessary to go deep into the same course as it goes, but some common sense I think we should know. Here is a brief overview of some issues to help you understand the "normality" of yoga in everyone's eyes.

1. Is Yoga A Sport?

Asana is a part of yoga. It is the Sanskrit sound. Asana is the posture and posture of the body. It is also the most familiar part of yoga.
Many people think that yoga is exercise. Yoga is synonymous with health, and health comes from practicing asanas; in fact, yoga asanas are not the most important part of yoga, but it is a pity that asanas have developed so rapidly that they almost swept the entire world, so asanas Dharma has almost become synonymous with yoga in the minds of unknown people.
Yoga is the art of physical, spiritual, and spiritual development. Although the asanas of yoga look like some stretching exercises, the postures of the limbs are not the main part of yoga. The practice of yoga asanas is for the development of more profound spirituality. , And preparations for spiritual growth.

2. Kids Not Suitable To Practice Yoga?

Most people think that yoga is not suitable for children, and this focus is also from the wrong understanding of yoga. They think that yoga is a strong asana. Strong asanas are not suitable for children who are still growing. If we know that yoga is not synonymous with strong asanas, then we can rest assured that children can practice yoga.
Yoga practice includes many activities: focused learning (instruction of meditation, asanas) to help grow taller and stabilize the mood; body purification (breathing, purification exercises) to prevent diseases, behavior correction (yoga philosophy), positive and mature thoughts, etc... .
If these multi-faceted learning starts from a young age, it cannot be denied that they have a great positive influence and effect on the growth of children.

3.Is Yoga A Practice Only For Women?


The main yoga practice group in our country is women, so many people think that yoga is practiced only by women; in fact, all want to get inner and physical peace, and all people also want to avoid diseases and have a healthy life. Yoga Provide the physical, mental and spiritual growth that everyone expects. These positive growths are for men and women, and are not exclusive to women.

4. Is Yoga Practiced By Healthy People?

Yoga not only helps you to maintain a strong and fit body, it also provides many exercise methods and techniques to help the body maintain and cure diseases. Yoga is recognized by many advanced countries, even by the World Health Organization, and it is regarded as an alternative effective therapy. Yoga is very practical and effective and has no side effects. It has a lot of help for physical and mental disorders and mental illness. Practicing yoga has preventive effects for healthy people as preventive therapy. It is a good yoga therapist for people suffering from diseases. Under the leadership of the team is significant exercise therapy.

5. Does Everyone Have To Practice The Same Asanas To Be Called Yoga?

You will find that yoga asanas are similar, because they are from the invention of ancient yogis. The new modern studies have also developed their own unique asanas, so the methods of practice and asanas are almost the same. However, regardless of the new modern studies or traditional yoga studies, the asanas of yoga must be in line with their own body and mind. Practice according to the situation. For example, the practice method of a young man suffering from asthma is absolutely different from the practice method of an elderly woman and a woman with heart disease. If you want to practice yoga asanas correctly, and want to get a way to improve your physical and mental state, you must choose a good teacher, an instructor who can and know how to train and help you. Change your learning style according to your needs, so that you can choose the right direction of yoga practice and get the most benefits.

6.Does it have to be like cartilage to be called practicing yoga?


Some asanas are indeed more difficult for the average person than advanced asanas. Such advanced asanas do require a sensitive body, but for people suffering from diseases, they need to choose a special practice range that suits them. A good one. Yoga teachers must be able to guide and teach the needs of every learner.

When practicing yoga asanas, you should try to reach your maximum range of abilities without worrying about whether you are like a photo in a magazine or a book. Just try to practice and try your best, enjoy it and be happy, then you have achieved the greatest benefit.

7.Can anyone teach yoga?


A yoga teacher is to be able to express extreme strength and beauty, like a master of stamina, or a bodybuilder... then be able qualified to be a yoga teacher?


Training Photos Taken When In Yoga Class

Being able to perform extreme asanas does not mean that we are qualified to teach yoga. So does some people's natural softness mean that they can be yoga teachers without much effort? Of course, the answer is no.

A qualified yoga teacher who is qualified to teach must undergo several years of strong spiritual growth practice and physical and spiritual maturity and complete exercise before being eligible to enter yoga teaching. The teaching of yoga is the communication and connection of the whole body, mind, and spirit, not just the operation of the body.

Post time: 03-08-2021

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